
Monday, June 21, 2021

Meet the Staff: Laura Stephens

MEET THE STAFF: Laura Stephens

Title: FMS Accountant / DMP Manager

Hometown: Munich, Germany

Years Working for Origin: Going on 2 years

Favorite Hobby: Not much time these days for hobbies…but I love spending time with my family and my new puppy

1. What drew you to Origin SC originally? And how has the organization changed since?

I was always interested in the nonprofit field, because I love helping people. When I saw the job posting for DMP Counselor, I thought this would be a perfect fit for me. I get to work in the financial field, and at the same time I get to help people.

I am excited to be part of many big changes at Origin. We moved to our new office and brought on a lot of amazing new team members. I can’t wait to see what the next years will bring!

2. What has surprised you the most about working at Origin SC?

I think what surprised me most is to see how a small team like ours can make such a big impact in the community and help so many different people.

3. What is an experience that has really shaped who you are?

I think leaving my home country Germany to move to the US has a lot to do with who I am today. To leave my family and friends behind to start a brand-new life is scary and exciting. We had to start all over and work hard for everything we have today.

4. How has Origin SC helped you in your career development?

My managers really care about my career goals and where I see myself in the next 2-5 years. I love that I have to opportunity to grow within the organization and implement my ideas.

5. What is one thing that you are most proud of?

I am proud of my family’s accomplishments over the past years. We came to South Carolina literally empty-handed and were able to build a beautiful life for our family.

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